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  1. PhoenixShaham

    Worried that lymes caused my als

    Hello everyone. I have moved to college in Boston. I am going to be seen by the chief of Neuroimmunology at Mass General soon. My EMG was not clean and my FVC dropped. My genetic testing panel for 22 ALS genes came back negative which gave me lots of relief. My body has been getting really stiff...
  2. PhoenixShaham

    Worried that lymes caused my als

    Hi guys I'm here for a quick update on my symptoms. I have perioral fasciculations that never stop. Also bodywide twitching every second. My left hand started getting stiff in August and now its so stiff that my thumb locks up. I also just cramp easily in the hand and shoulder girdle. I have my...
  3. PhoenixShaham

    Worried that lymes caused my als

    Yes my mother has been there with me for every test. These past 4 months my mom has been there for every single appointment. And the neurologist has consulted them. I’ve read cases where the EMG was clean and people have still ended up with ALS. But again if it didn’t show up on the EMG they...
  4. PhoenixShaham

    Worried that lymes caused my als

    I wish I could pin it to pure anxiety. If I had pure fasciculations on their own I would not be on this forum. It’s the fact that objectively the barium swallow showed aspiration and I’ve been choking intermittently. The moment the fasciculations started I think a few days after my swallowing...
  5. PhoenixShaham

    Worried that lymes caused my als

    Hello I was just wondering aren’t my fasciculations kind of worrisome. I have more than 100 per minute with no break at all. it feels like every muscle fiber in my body is twitching every second. The one in my face is just constant fasciculations that do not ever go away. The fact that they are...
  6. PhoenixShaham

    Worried that lymes caused my als

    Hello everybody my name is Phoenix and I am a teenager with no family history of neurodegenerative disease. I also have no health conditions. Just want to say what’s been happening to me in the past few months. I had to postpone college due to symptoms. Starting in July I started having viral...