Wright, I'm not sure what the neurologist thinks. I gave him a copy of the first and second neuro letters. The first neuro letter is the one with all the info regarding EMG and Lumbar MRI. The second nuero I only saw once from Kirklin in Birmingham, she noted: "cervicothoracic myelopathy with...
Alyood, Trfogey, and Wright. Thank you for your replies and thoughts. :)
Weakness: I do have weakness in the left leg as well as right. The left leg has atrophied worse than the left, but there is obvious weakness of muscle tissue in both legs. They have "thinned" out, but have some slight...
Meant to add, weakness and visible atrophy of calf muscle started in 2008. Hence why I had the EMG and MRI. EMG was in right leg (my weaker leg) as I couldn't afford to do both legs as the time.
Hello friends. I am new to the forums. I've been back and forth a couple times to read other peoples stories. I am in the middle of a bunch of tests but was hoping to get some feedback from people who've been through this before.
Female. 32. Tests for thyroid, lyme disease, b12, vitamin...