Dear Sir:
I am interested in purchasing the machine for my brother who was diagnosed with ALS. He cannot communicate anymore and has become quite frustrated. I know you listed $7000. I do not have that kind of money but willing to pay a little something for it. Please let me know if and when you...
Hi Sue:
Just checking in to see how you are doing? My brother is not doing well. His speech is almost gone and is losing the use of his arms. My heart breaks for him, and feel so helpless. I try to cheer him up day to day, but he has difficulty accepting the deterioration. I pray for each and...
Thanks for the response and how is your dad doing? My brother did have the stem cell treatment, unfortunately his speech has gotten worse and has lost the ability to use both of his arms. We took a chance and went to Alabama to a doctor we saw on CNN. Was your Dad's treatment effective? Please...
Thanks Tammy, his speech is really slurred and the accumulation of saliva in his mouth makes it worst. I am afraid he is going to aspirate one night and that would be it. He is so stubborn. I have done all I can do, I just decided to love and accept his decisions. He is back in St Lucia awaiting...
Get well soon. Your poems are an inspiration to many of us. It seems as though some health care professionals need to get a refresher course on bedside etiquette. The more knowledge I gain about ALS- changes my definition from Amyothropic Lateral Schlorsis to "A LIFELONG STRUGGLE" for...
Thank you very much Tammyg...How are you and the fammily doing? ..Right now we are at GWH and he has only had one visit so far.
The problem is my brother is still in denial. He feels he has a joint disease, and not acknowledging his deterioratIon. I have tried to let him read the posts, but he...
I wish I could make the pain go away. I never thought in my life that I could feel so helpless about something (ALS) and helpless for everyone diagnosed, including caregivers like myself.
Hi Rose:
I am so sorry to hear about your brother, he is a couple of years younger than my brother who was also diagnosed with the "beast"of all diseases. I think I can identify with how you feel- sad and helpless. Unfortunately the progression with my brother is swift, I am hoping he can join...
My brother's speech is deteriotating. He lives in St. Lucia and does not have much available service there. What can I advise him to do. The neurologist prescibed Rilutek, but he does not want to take it. Is it advisable? The coughing has subsided but in the event it returns should I invest in...
I know it is difficult to be patient, but if you do not it will make things worse for you. I can identify with anxiety since my brother was diagnosed and refuses to confront the truth. Do you believe in prayer? Have faith and leave it your neurologist.