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  1. C

    BULBAR ALS Questions

    Well, thanks everyone. Your impressions are exactly what I feared - but, I will be sure to keep you all posted. Certainly, this is going to take a while since the Asian docs have put a spark in her hope that it is not ALS - but that I also hope symptoms don't rapidly progress at the same...
  2. C

    BULBAR ALS Questions

    ps to answer another member's far no muscle weakness anywhere else. Just the esophageal throat area. Some muscle/nerve twitching on hands. We are in major cities so care/ALS centers are easily accessible. So, IGG is sounding not useful here....but may holp boost immunity...
  3. C

    BULBAR ALS Questions

    Hi everyone! WOW! amazing responses! My relative believes after coming back from her treatment in Asia that she is going to be cured due to her faith and a number of other miracle-like possibilities. So, while at that, a local Asian doctor (who does have credentials from Europe) is assessing...
  4. C

    BULBAR ALS Questions

    Hi SLM455: Clarity - so it is normal to have good and bad days in speech? Have you lost weight? Chucky PS It already sounds like I am in the right place - thank you!
  5. C

    BULBAR ALS Questions

    Hi there: A very close family member has recently been diagnosed with Bulbar ALS. Very classic symptoms (swallowing issues, inability to understand her talk, coughing - minor; but thru meals, and incontrollable emotions ...laughing and crying, twitching of nerves in arms). Only 1 diagnosis has...