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  • Users: blee
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  1. B

    Advice for next Neuro visit requested

    David, You're the only one I've ever read to use the term "cramp potentials" on the EMG/NCV test. I too have had fasciculations and cramp potentials on my testing (done through Dr. Brent Beson at the ALS clinic in OKC) - he says that it is secondary and basically just says it's benign - I, too...
  2. B

    Hey Robynn, still all the same crap, doctor has noticed a low Vitamin D level, so we're treating...

    Hey Robynn, still all the same crap, doctor has noticed a low Vitamin D level, so we're treating that in hopes that it's the root cause of the twitching, MAJOR cramping, stiffness, weakness and muscle shrinkage on the right side of my body -- believe it or not Vitamin D can cause all of that...
  3. B

    Nope, but I dont expect them to be either. I hope you're doing well - I'm not one to typically...

    Nope, but I dont expect them to be either. I hope you're doing well - I'm not one to typically fly off the handle the way I did a month or so ago - and I noticed you continued to take a small beating by a few people off and on over on the BFS forum and I just feel like sometimes you're...
  4. B

    Hey Robynn, You've been on my mind lately, and I think I owe you an appology. However, I can't...

    Hey Robynn, You've been on my mind lately, and I think I owe you an appology. However, I can't seem to find an email address for you. I hope you're doing well, Brandy [email protected]
  5. B

    Had my EMG, and updates

    Refresher: Began twitching wildly on June 7th, 2010. Out of no where in my left foot and calf. It quickly spread to my left foot and calf muscle and has settled mostly into my left foot with wild fasciculations in the arch of that foot every second of every day in multiple spots along that arch...
  6. B

    One more very indepth question, that's all!

    thank you. im still so scared, i guess nothing but an emg will ease that. does als usually present symmetrically? its in BOTH of my legs below the knees
  7. B

    One more very indepth question, that's all!

    oh, and all blood work/electrolytes/minerals came back normal.
  8. B

    One more very indepth question, that's all!

    Ok, so I just got a call from my nurse who said that my Doc went out of town for two weeks and can't refer me until after that - and when she does, it will take two or three weeks to be seen by a specialist. Meanwhile, the twitches are EVER present, mostly when sitting or at rest. They are so...
  9. B

    Doctor just mentioned ALS -and I'm a little worried

    Thanks Lydia Mike and Joel C. I'd really like to call my doc back, but first, correct me if I'm wrong: I have no weakness in my muscles, just tightness and fatigue. If they were weak, I'd know it, I'd feel it, and it would happen before twitches - twitches are not the first sign -- correct...
  10. B

    Doctor just mentioned ALS -and I'm a little worried

    Thanks Joelc. I am feeling twitches about 70 times each minute, they are relentless. Is the weakness that accompanies ALS profound or more of a tired feeling? It started with muscle cramps, then twitches, then fatigue, so if that isn't how ALS starts, why in the world would my doc even mention...