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  • Hey Barry, see I forgot to check pm. HA HA thanks for sharing what's going on with you. Yea I am in the same boat. Guess I won't know until I try it and yes definitely one reason would be anixty and depression. Not legal here in wv. But that no problem. Never thought life was gonna be easy but $hit man a quadruple shot of Diseases, alcoholic, addict, PTSD now ALS. HA HA what next? My HP has an insane sense of humor. I don't always get what I want but thank god I don't get what I deserve. hA! Hope this finds you in good spirits and let's continue to talk. Love bro chally
    Hey bear, it's still not legal here in wv.Not that that would stop me if that is my choice. My sponsor says at this point do what make feel healthy and good. I have been clean & sober 28 yrs now and plan to go out that way. That being said I am still thinking mm if I feel it will make me comfortable. I guess we all have to make our own choices and live with then. Right now I am not taken anything for this nightmare. Just trying to stay positive , I do go to a lot of meeting both NA& AA cause I can get to them in my PWC easily and it gets me out of my self which is always a good thing . Let' stay in touch thru pm. I don't always see that there is a message there but will start to look more often. Love ya bro chally
    Bear, I think being newly single is an added blow to an already extremely difficult situation. In most cases, and I hope in yours, the people you know and love will rally and offer their care and support. Don't be afraid to turn to people you have a relationship with, and ask for help. Or just ask for their presence, i.e. to spend time with you. If you are connected to a church, draw from those resources. People of faith can be exceedingly helpful on a practical, as well as emotional/spiritual level. If not, consider contacting a priest or a pastor and sharing what has happened to you. You may have to make a few appointments with different ones to find someone you like and you can relate to. Turn to God, turn to others, and you will find direction, encouragement and the support you need. No one can handle this alone. You are in my prayers. It's a hard road, but not an impossible one.
    - Charlene
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