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  • hello ,

    i am looking for someone who can help me confirm the parents of my great great grandmother wilhelmina auguste bilz born 1843 , germany. her daughter , my great grandmother died of als in the 40's. her brother frederich also had it along w/ his five children and several grandchildren. my great grandmothers oldest son and his oldest son both developed it.my aunt died in the late 90's. now her daughter and sister both have it. we are trying to figure out where the gen came from , we are able to get info in regards to my great great grandfathers family and no als in his line. we assume it then to be from my great great grandmother , but we cannot confirm who her parents are. we think we have some of them from living in the same area as she did , but need the parents name to confirm the relationships. all i need is someone who is able to access birth records , can anyone help me ? thank you in advance.
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