Wondering Runner

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  • Hi Wondering Runner. Sometimes I think a special section should be started for endurance athletes.

    Do you do any aerobic exercising still? My ALS began with breathing problems and it has sidelined me for a year and a half (added 30 lbs), some suggest that biking on a trainer is possible, but my legs feel like I just finished a marathon most of the time. Should I do it anyway, I know I could push through it, but am not sure if I should. It is hard not running your thoughts?
    Thanks much. If I see something that I need you will absolutely hear from me and will ask a friend to collect or drive me to meet you. Public transit is not an option for me. Regards
    Hi, Aaron, we are close to the Link, the street car and a lot of buses.
    You can use lmgelb@gmail
    Hi...I now see you are in Seattle ...if you are interested in coming by and grabbing some of our apt. full of stuff since Larry died let me know...we are downtown.
    THanks for the response. Dang. Of course I was hoping you had a complete fix. My Opth. appt. followup is tomorrow and it's likely he'll have me continue with the lube and drops. I do not wear eyewear but wouldn't it be cool if we designed a large contact lens that released moisture over time and protected the area from drying out? I feel for you. My trouble is when I close the lids... apparently the lids are weak and "floppy" and the glands chronically blocked. Your eyes must ache dude!
    Hey Aaron......I lost my blinking reflex, I can blink if I want to but it does not happen automatically. That combined with my bladder control med (oxybutrin) was drying my eyes out. I GOT SOME EYE LUBRICATING drops for it and it helped a little.
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