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  • Hi Guys!
    I am a 30 yr old female.. 2 months back i started having twictches, jerks. they were so bad that i was not able to sleep. my GP told that it was anxiety and gave me rivotril + a sleeping pill.soon after that i started having weakness in legs and hands. i went to a neurologist who did a neurological exam ..it was normal..i insisted him to do an EMG on legs and hands..they also came normal.but soon after that i started having swallowing problems specially with saliva...i have some pain in my neck region..also i have strong internal vibrations in hands feet stomach.the most disturbing part is that i am having them on my throat and tongue..i also have some quick vibrations allover body.my tongue pains at the base.and sometimes i feel twitches on it..i am also having some slight tooth pain..i also have the tongue biting sometime and yes problems with speech too.although nobody else has noticed but i feel my tongue gets stuck sometimes....and my voice is really very low..
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