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  • My Christmas wish for you and your family is to live in Peace Harmony Laughter and Love and know how Beautiful You shine so bright with your Love and Light! I just want you know how much you mean to me ... we have never met in person, but you are known to me and stay in my heart. I feel we have been friends forever ....
    Hi Tammy~
    How are you? Haven't seen you around much, hope all is well :)
    I actually haven't been on too much lately, just have way too much going on~work & personally~sucks!
    Thinking of you!!
    What a gift. I send you a message from the great beyond and you have the intuition to come on. I guess us MD'ers have that gift. Don't ask me why today of all days too come on; I was looking at one post that lead to a feeder thread below and one click after another made me come on. I've changed. I'm not the person I used to be and it makes me sad. But I'm going to work on it, most definitely! I'm glad you came on.
    Sending only good thoughts,
    Where's my Maryland Blue Crab Girl been? I don't get on as often, but you can get me at F B. Just leave me a message and I will pm you my address.
    Miss you,
    Thanks for thinking of me. I have been here, but not saying as much. Mother in law, is in the Nursing home.
    We are trying to navigate the finances and such. Makes us all crazy, doesn't it? I think of the gang often, pray for all those suffering, am thankful for all of you who continue to faithfully run the race of life.

    Thank you for checking on me and I will pop in and say something musing, just for you. :-)

    Gentleman Jim
    hi tammy,thankyou for your messages which i really appreciate.
    sorry for my late reply,i have not been able to get on the forum much over the months.
    spasticity and weakness been worse which i knew would happen ,my stitches have gone and everything seems to be healing ok.
    go for my post op appointment next tuesday,i assume biopsy was ok as not heard anything.
    how are you? upto anything exciting?.
    take good care (((hugs)))caroline.
    Thanks Tammy, his speech is really slurred and the accumulation of saliva in his mouth makes it worst. I am afraid he is going to aspirate one night and that would be it. He is so stubborn. I have done all I can do, I just decided to love and accept his decisions. He is back in St Lucia awaiting his next appointment. Thanks for all the info.
    They are busy, grandson left today for more in Calif.., Gracie Worlds Jui-jitsu grappling. He has a sponsor thank goodness. I am doing ok, good days and bad. Arms giving me grief now...dang! not today will I give up. How are you doing dear?
    work, work ,work. That seems to be all I ever do..But I am one of the lucky ones that I can & have a job right now. Summer been pretty hot here, lot of humidity. I am glad you are getting a new shower I am sure that will make it alot easier for you. Some of those showers and washer & dryers they got out now are so pretty I like to put them in my living room to show off. LOL I am glad the fire are almost gone, that is pretty scarey. I wanted you to know I always think about ya even know I am not here. Have a great day and take a shower for me too. haha
    Hi Tammy Pie! They're mostly gone for now. I check in here daily but don't post much. So, what have you been up too so far this summer Sweets? I'm getting my roll in shower tomorrow and it's going to be gorgeous!!
    Hugs to you Tammy! :)
    Thank you very much Tammyg...How are you and the fammily doing? ..Right now we are at GWH and he has only had one visit so far.
    The problem is my brother is still in denial. He feels he has a joint disease, and not acknowledging his deterioratIon. I have tried to let him read the posts, but he is holding on to what he think he knows. This disease really sucks.....
    Hi Tammy ! Sorry, to hear about your father. How long did he suffer with it. My dad was diagnosed in March but thinking back we think he might have had symptoms two years ago. Did you dad use the drug Ritulek? My dad is a veteran and is checking on his benefits from them. He is going to participate in a clinical trial soon. He is currently in Dallas staying with my sister. His home is in central Illinois 1/2 mile from us. I miss my dad so much. He's hoping to come home in a few weeks at least for a visit. He'd like to come home for good but we have to check on our care options. There alot of us who can sit with him but not too many of us are strong enough to lift him. Its all so frustrating. Kim
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