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  • Dear Michelle

    Thank you for your note! I do look in on CALS and PALS and always keep in prayer. Doing good and keeping busy with work and grand kids. Missing him every day and will forever.
    I am so surprised at how many people have no idea what ALS or Lou Gehrig Disease is or does to a patient. Sometimes I think not enough research going on to help ALS as not out there enough to get proper funding. Someday, in the future, I hope to be an advocate in Washington to get this up front so cure will be eminent. For now, giving it to God, who is our biggest advocate. Hope you having a good day today. "One day at a time".

    Are you telling me that you have cancer that has spread to your brain? If so, that is the priority at the moment. Anything that stresses the body can certainly cause ALS to progress faster but if you don't address the cancer, it will kill you in no time. I wish you the best.
    Hoping you get some breaks from caregiving Michele. Really important. George and I really only go to church on Sundays as his breathing is the biggy for him and of course his neck is so weak. Arms don't work but legs are still good. I know what you mean about this stinking disease. I have my faith in God and without that I would be in trouble. As soon as I take I eyes off Him and on our situation with George, I am a mess. Take care and keep in touch. Patty
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