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  • Thank you for sharing, I am sorry for your loss but glad that he went peacefully. I am going to share your story with my mom. I know one of her biggest fears is the breathing issue also towards the end.
    Thanks again and praying for you and your family.

    Stephie, so sorry to hear about your husband. Web has made the exact same decisions so I understand completely. hugs to you
    hello stephie...from what you've said we are in the same boat. my pals was dx in 12-06. sounds like they are about the same phys too. to draw one more simalarity.....you and i seem to be there too. he wakes me uo constantly in the night and when i'm up.....i love him so much but there are days tyhat i feel like strangling him!!! :)
    Waving hello! How are you and your husband? We Midwesterner's must stick together!! :]
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