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  • Hey, I saw your update - great to see that the neuro visit went well. How are you feeling otherwise?
    Yeah same here I clear my throat a lot! And I guess that does not help my voice either... How long have you been hoarse?

    I also have this thing that I'm afraid is related. Every morning I have to cough a lot to get thick often yellow phelgm out of my breast/lung. It's been going on for weeks. Do you have something like that?

    I hope the neuro get back to you soon!
    I think some slight issues with my voice started in the end of November but like this it has been maybe since mid-December. Yeah, I also have a lot of something deep down in my throat/lungs in the mornings but it feels difficult to get anything out and I think mine is not mainly yellow, just white/clear.
    Of course the neuro called me twice within a few minutes today when I was at my maternity clinic and didn’t see him calling… tried to have a new call scheduled for today but I don’t think he will call anymore. Next available time is next Friday - so frustrating.
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