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  • Good evening. I think my father has a form of ALS. My father is 65 years old. About 8 months ago we started to notice that his posture was getting worse & he was having difficulty holding his head up straight. We went to our PCP who said he had spinal stenosis. This past week my mother took him to a spine &back surgeon & the Doctor said that my father needed to go to see a neurologist. We have made the appointment now frantically waiting. My father cannot hold his head up at all. His muscles have atrophied in the back of his arms, neck, shoulders & throat. However he can walk & his legs remain strong. His hands are cold & they twitch sometimes. He is experiencing increased difficulty breathing & swallowing, & he chokes sometimes as well. He has good strength in his lower body, he does not trip or drop things & he still has some arm strength around the biceps. His head cannot be upright w/o immense pain. He can no longer project his voice & is losing weight rapidly
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