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  • Hi, I am new to this site currently fearful of sx that my mother is having that keep leading me to question ALS, though I have not wanted to suggest it to her. She has had progressive weakness on her left side, and thus far has been treated for a hernia disc, with PT and steroid epidurals-no change insx. She has had questionable other sx-possibly fasiculations(she lives in another state, I have not witnessed them). She seen a neurosurgeon and back surgery not indicated.Today she told me she has a vit D deficiency and hopes that this could be the problem. I have to further research, but I seem to recall having seen diagnosed ALS folks noting this- a sx, not the source of the problem. She can not get into a Neurologist until June 10. I will be using my resources at the Clinic, but if anyone has any thoughts or comments, I would appreciate them.
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