Recent content by SkylerSurvives

  1. S

    Losing function

    I’m just here to ask what I did wrong to be diagnosed with this at 20 it all started with swallowing issue and a little weight loss and some leg pain and stomach pain and many many doctors visits with no one understanding what’s happening I’m not scared to die really I’m just scared of being...
  2. S

    Losing function

    Yes I have the emg noted denervation and he said I should look for a second opinion but he is pretty sure
  3. S

    Losing function

    How fast did all of you lose your function in newly diagnosed at only 20 years old muscle atrophy in right arm but don’t really notice difference right leg causing me issues but can still walk and do things just wondering how fast it takes I had muscle twitching and hyper reflex reactions for...