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  • I have had on and off problems with whatever it is I have for the better part of the last four years. I have had several MRI's in the past three years with absolutely no diagnosis. My symptoms will flare up and then for the most part disappear in a month or two. Each time my symptoms come back they seem to get worse and worse. My main symptoms are a strange tired sensation in my hands and legs and pressure in the back of my head. It almost feels as though I have to concentrate very hard to do daily activities that shouldn't be difficult. In addition I feel very dizzy at times and get a crawling feeling in my calves. My symptoms seem to become much worse in the winter months when the temperature goes down and I am getting viruses more frequently but then completely disappear. I simply don't know where to turn and feel very depressed about what is happening to me. I am not well but no doctors seem to believe me. Please help me! If you have any information or advice let me know. Thanks!
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