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  • I am not sure if this is clinical weakness or not, but I have those hand gripping exercise tools and before in Sept, I could easily do 30 reps in each arm/hand without problems. After 30, it would get shakey. Now, in my right arm/hand is the same, but my left gets shaky and hard to do more reps at 20! Any piece of paper I hold in my left hand trembles and shakes. I have to use my right hand to stabilize my left if I am holding something in my left. Anything I pick up feels like I am going to drop it. I know this falls under "perceived" but what about the less amount of reps?

    My plan of action is to go to physiotherapy for my arm, starting tonight. That has helped my left leg return from weakness and pain, twice now. I figure after 3 sessions, if I do not see any improvement, or if it gets worse, I will go to the neuro ASAP - which has me shaking in my boots and raises my heart rate.
    Hi Razor - sorry, I just saw today that you wrote me. Thank you for your message. I think I've read some of your entries too and thought the same thing about it being similar.

    Right now, my biggest fear is this twitching and weak "feeling" in my left shoulder/arm. I went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday, he did an xray and could not find anything except for bad posture of head constantly held forward and tight muscles. He just decided to do some chiropractic work on my neck and gave me some shots of lidocaine in my left shoulder area. This has not helped much from what I can tell.
    sigh, you are still just sitting and reading all the anxiety ridden twitchers, even after reading my message here half an hour ago. so you are not willing to let this go, work with doctors, and get out and live, you are obsessing. I think I've given all the help I can. best of luck
    ... cont ...
    I live up the top of NSW, and we only have one neuro in the area and the MND specialist we saw in Brisbane laughed and said it was just as well we didn't see the local one as he would have not had a clue. Seeing an MND specialist should allow you to settle, accept, then start demanding OK what else can it be and move on to finding the cause. Pleasure to help, but I can't babysit someone through their doctors saying it is NOT ALS. Tillie
    I know what you mean but be wary of 'hearing stories of' blah blah ... I have found that people who are anxious grab hold of hearing 1 or 2 similar symptoms and think, see that's what I have! However they ignore the other important symptoms they don't have.

    PLEASE get back to a dr I honestly know how frightening it is and I don't doubt there is something wrong with you! I can only say it does NOT sound like ALS. I can't say for sure it isn't, but there are honestly so many other things they could find that are not terminal. I can also say that if you see a MND specialist, they will not flick you off without a thorough checking. If you see a regular neuro you are wasting your time...
    I say this out of concern for you Razor. Continuing to read stories here, especially by others with high levels of health anxiety is the worst thing you can do. You should take a grip, log off, and go back to a doctor and start truly dealing with this. Don't let it go - insist that you have a problem. I don't mean insist you have MND, but that you have a real problem and it is affecting you deeply. Get help please.

    It is a real sign of continuing issues to obsess and look for confirmation that what you fear is true. All the best, I know that what is happening to you is real, it's just not ALS/MND and you are taking yourself down into serious health issues, but they are not terminal, they can be treated. Tillie
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