Hi Preacherman,
I was saved on March 31, 1999. Unfortunately, I came under bad teaching and did not walk as a disciple-in-Christ should have walked for many years. It's a long story but I'm not looking back. His grace is sufficient and I believe I have changed. I found a Bible-based church with good teaching, good fellowship, and it is Christ centered. I don't have children or family so I'm going through this alone. I'm 60 and my only sibling is a 79-year old brother who lives in Upstate NY in the Summer and down here (Daytona Beach) during the Winter (with his wife.) When he is here, we get together a couple of times a week.
Right now I can still drive, walk, eat, etc. I have strong prayer warriors at my church lifting me up in prayer each week. I'm in the Word daily. At night I listen to Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley, or some other preacher I like.