Hello Pam,
Nice to hear from you again! "normal time" is a great gift to offer I should think; and your spirituality doesnt seem to have suffered at all in not being at church. i feel for you though, church life is vital to me and I would hate to loose it. but, as in all things that we loose, I can immagine that He provides abundant grace to bear the loss. I have just been re-reading your post on "Positives", and I so admire the way you write. there is confidence and grace in your words. I hope that many others are able to hear or read your words; and most importantly of all I hope and pray that they are a heritage for your family. I dont mean just as the sort of fond memories that we cherish of those who went before us, almost any memory gains a certain glow in that circumstance; I am thinking more about the profound example of faith that you are living and speaking.
Blessings Pam, the peace of Christ be with you also!