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  • Yes I remember you from DC at the candlelight vigil. Thanks for the message. Glad to hear you're doing so well. Keep it up! I had to give up driving in August and I think October was our last trip out of town. Keep the faith!
    Hi Pearshoot, sorry it took so long to get back to you. I was actually born and raised in Ohio and migrated to Montana. I was in the Army from 2000-2004 stationed in Fort Hood, Tx. How is your second drug trial going?
    Hello. Came across your name tonight and saw something about you using oils and magnets? Could you please message me more information. I am really into the homeopathic stuff and would love to get some for my dad :) Thanks!
    Hi Pear, lp carr here. Hope you are hanging in there. Still no word on a new trial for Larry.
    Don't go to neuro till November. Hope to get news on the ck357. I would sure like for him to be able to try it. Hope you are well. Sloooooow progressing. Hugs to you....Pam
    Hey there, Pearshoot!
    I believe I have the evening available to attend the support group meeting but I don't know the exact location or time. Please let me know time & place!
    Pearshoot - Hello! I was diagnosed early this year and joined the forum several months ago (but have been reading for quite a while). i see you've mentioned meridian testing, etc. My sister is very involved with the oils. She has sent me a bunch of stuff and I'm investigating. I now wear the magnet bracelet and it has helped me immensely. My knee was bothering me (I think non-ALS related) and it doesn't hurt as much and my legs don't feel so 'heavy' when i walk. overall, I feel better. But, the oils. . . I will try them this week. After you're 3-month 'reading' do you adjust over-the-counter supplements or are you using the natural oils? Thanks!
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