Recent content by paulzeee

  1. P

    I need your opinion

    All the best Jamie. Where I come from there is no doctor that will give you any results over the phone, positive or negative, you always have to go for follow up in person.
  2. P

    Troubling symptoms

    Thank you all for the suggestions. In Canada I can't go to infectious disease clinic without a referral and I have to go to the neurologist which I am referred to and there is a long wait time (the joys of free health care). Yes I have considered MS as well. The odd thing is the neuropathy has...
  3. P

    Troubling symptoms

    Thanks Pat. I can ask about other tick borne diseases but my symptoms are so vague I doubt my doctor will be none too motivated to start testing me for a bunch of things. I haven't had any shots or anything. My GP didn't feel the rash had anything to do with the Paresthesias I had experienced at...
  4. P

    Troubling symptoms

    Thanks Jamiet. I am going to have a very difficult time convincing anyone here to give me a proper Lyme test but I will try. In ALS would widespread fasculations come on immediately, like in a span of a week? Also do any ALS people have peripheral neuropathy problems? Sorry to be so long winded...
  5. P

    Troubling symptoms

    I am a 36 year old male living in Canada. A couple of months back after I came back from a vacation in the mountains I broke out in an odd rash on my forearms and lower legs (not a bull’s-eye rash). I was also feeling very tired. Shortly after, I noticed the base of my feet going numb and tingly...