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  • If you had muscle atrophy in your calf . . . and it was due to ALS . . . then you would have weakness. I assure you that the neuro who conducted your EMG placed the needle in the correct spot to look for denervation. I don't know what else I can tell you that I already haven't. It is up to you to get rid of these unwarranted ALS fears, because you simply will not listen to anyone else.
    If had a clean emg on that leg. It is not worrisome. I'm telling you it is not ALS. ALS doesnt hide at all sweety. I know you hate to hear this but it really is all in your mind. I'm sure you spend too much time with a measuring tape and standing on one foot. Believe me I've been there at the start of everything. Home tests are useless and an EMG really does tell the story. If there was denervation causing your problems it wouldve been going on for 6 months before you noticed anything therefore the EMG wouldve picked it up. They said mine had prob been denervating for 8 months prior to my atrophy and problems. If you have percieved atrophy with a clean EMG, then it is not from ALS. Its just not how ALS works sweety. I seriously hope you calm down. I know right now nothing can pacify you..only time can do that but I will tell you that getting off this forum and dr. giggles for awhile will do you a world of good. :)
    Listen . . . your story isn't even close to the story of someone with ALS. Please listen to us (and more inmportantly) to you physicians and get on with your life. You're definitely wasting it with this needless worry.
    This is in reply to your question that you sent to me. If your EMG was clean (I'm going to assume it was, since you didn't indicate that it wasn't), then the twitch you have in your toe should not be worrisome to you at all. Please do your best to relax. Take care.
    Can you look for me on facebook because there are several nik hil guptas and I dont know which one is you. Look for Robynn LeAnne Thompson, and send me a friend request so we can talk.
    You can find me on facebook at Robynn LeAnne Thompson, I'm always on there except for early morning, anytime after 12:00 noon. Let me know if you have one or not.
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