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  • Hi Chameleon,
    Sorry fir the delay.. Lyme disease? I haven't been around ticks that I'm aware of, but ticks are tiny usually.
    I have been exposed to a LOT of industrial chemicals as well as bad drugs and poisons over the years.. At the same time I'm all skin and bone..literally now..My muscles are shutting down bit by bit. I try to walk as much as possible to keep tone, but it's getting worse every day as does the pain..
    The good news is I have a doctors appointment again after a long giving up period..
    Thanks for writing.

    Hi Noirvault...

    Thanks for your post - sounds like you have a tough situation there... I understand your acceptance of death - I feel it too. I wanted to comment on you symptoms. I've been doing a lot of research and have had a lot of tests. Have you had any testing done for Lyme disease? The pain you describe is more typical of Lyme than ALS from what I've learned. Lyme can be quite treatable and would be worth looking into.

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