Ms. Pie
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  • Certainly not the best; there's a lot of competition for that slot around here. You are a lot closer to it than I am, but thank you anyway!
    I am glad you are working on those very important aspects of your life. I know it is tough on everyone, but I really don't in a way. Dad's perspective was probably totally different than mine because Mom was his wife. He was also there living it everyday. I like your positive attitiude and determination. Can you imagine life without Jesus? Man......I wouldn't make it:) Wow, your vocab is big, and I had to look up the meaning of cathartic! hehehe! ~Judy

    Glad for all of your company:) I hardly ever get company. I have been working hard at getting my photography proposal ready to send off to the editors I met at the writer's conference + I will send my other proposal for my book about Mom. It is a huge task....comparing your book to the competition, defining your readership, etc. If it comes to your mind please pray....I need abundant wisdom:)
    Thanks ~ Judy
    Thank you, Marta! I'm going places now and perhaps spending too much money (I'm a tightwad at heart), but I am so happy that I'm feeling better. My son was tested at the private christian school today. I can't wait to get him there and into a nice learning environment. You hang in there, dear lady!!!
    WORK, WORK, WORK. That seems to be all I ever do. I am one of the lucky ones that I can work and have a job to go too. SOme of those new showers & washer & dryers are soo pretty I like to put them in my living room on display.LOL I wanted ypou to know I always think about ya even know I am not here. I am glad the fires are almost gone that is pretty scarey. Have a great day and take a shower for me too.haha
    Howdy, Howdy Howdy, been busy wanted you to know I have been thinking about you and hoping all is well. I hope the fires there are all gone. Misss you
    Evening, you got me here, what are AFOs, I did a ASK.COM and got all kinds of answers.
    Yes, back in March, I went to my heart doctor, and was placed into the ICU for heart failure again.
    lose the lbs or else.....

    I am doing better

    I apologized to C.J on this site and hope the rest of you except my apology as well. I will mind my own business unless asked and think before posting. I didn't mean to sound like I was bashing C. J. in any way shape or form. I am truly sorry if I hurt her feelings. I truly admire her for her courage and just want her and her son to be happy. My words came out all wrong. I am truly sorry.
    I agree you are probally right to some degree on the counseling part. But, if this is really a support forum and we truly care about someone we should help them to face the truth. CJ is on here alot and true I don't understand her grief or know her story. But, I would think her son needs her time and attention more then this site does. They both are going through pure hell. Yes, I do know what she's going through because I lived it. I've dealt with depression since I was 12 years old. I know when people hide their emotions. She needs us but she also needs to move on as well.
    Hi there Sweets

    I am still ok here
    still going to the doctor at Univ of Utah, they are really good....
    Pat got me an exercise Bike of the Sun room and so far I have lost 30 lbs - down to 234
    not bad for 6' 3' - goal is 190 - what I was in the Army and when I graduated from high school.

    sending hugs from Ray
    well, you know us Utah boys are not to smart when it comes to learning even dumber after all of the falls I have had....
    two in WY, one in MN, one in MT, last one just the other day her at home.

    Are the fires getting close to you?


    Hi OMGMP, I returned to this site last night. I haven't been on for about a month now and I discovered that Allen and Al have died and Ken is not available. I'm also very worried about you. I saw the photo on your Facebook page - I didn't realize you were in a wheelchair. Marta, tell me, how do we deal with all of this? I know you give good advice about keeping upbeat and seeing the good things in life, but honestly, sometimes the sadness just overwhelms. Allen was so gruff yet kind, Al was the BEST moderator and so helpful, and Ken, he wrote me so many times that I really thought I was getting to know him. I wish I had met them all. This site.... I just get the feeling that I'm getting to know someone and then they're gone. God, I'm being selfish!!! In spite of all this sadness, I am happy that I know you. Alice is in Ontario visiting with Ben's family. I admire her for her trips to see everyone she cares for. She is very much like you, Marta.
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