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  • Great trip to Iceland! Confirmed family ancestors going back five or six generations before 1164 AD/CE. My niece from Toronto rewrote a theatrical drama currently playing in Winnipeg. My brother was in Winnipeg last weekend. Hope you are getting some answers. I am doing okay. Cheers, Rand
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Sorry, I have not checked in until now.
    I really do appreciate hearing from you.
    And you remind me I need to call my aunt in Winnipeg.
    Currently, I am at my sister's house in Calgary. I am really enjoying helping out as a big brother following my sister having elective surgery. My niece in Athabasca was married Dec 31st, so I have had a nice stay. At the end of the month, my son is taking me to Iceland. He offered to take me anywhere I wanted to go. With my Icelandic roots, well, I always wanted to check out Iceland. I am considered a "Western Icelander." Stay in touch and if you "Facebook", I would confirm a friend request anytime. I am losing strength and endurance. So, I am not hesitating to travel while I can. Does your husband have a diagnosis or are they still testing and doing the "watchful waiting" and observing? Cheers, Rand
    We are sticking close to home and don't really know what will happen for Christmas this year. Our kids take turns coming here and then going to the in-laws. I am not sure we will have anyone this year. I think we will be alone, that will be very different as we usually have someone. I don't get out at all anymore so traveling is not possible.

    I really hope you get good news and he does not have ALS, that would be fantastic! Please keep me posted.
    Thank you Mrs. House. I am ambulating quite nicely. No mobility aids yet. When the time comes, I was thinking of using a Shirpa Not sure if the spelling is correct), the Himilayan mountain guides used by Everest mountainers as human pack animals because of their strength and endurance. An Egyptian styled litter would be cool. Of course humour tends to translate poorly in text, please excuse me. I think the emotional paralysis induced by ALS is worse than the physical paralysis. I am grateful for ALS gently reminding me and giving me time to consider all that is good. And it is all good. Please stay in touch. Keiran and I are lucky to have such loving and supportive wives. (Sent via Droid)
    Hello, sorry I am late responding. My days are full of spending time on my computer and on this forum. I am usually on here about 12 hours a day. Lately, like yesterday, I have been watching hockey and there was a double header so that occupied 6 hours. The same might happen today. I am expanding my interests. LOL. I mostly live a boring life trying to keep out of my wife's way so she has time for herself. Nothing exciting, how are you doing?
    I apologize if I sound too philosophical. Or if my thoughts are incomplete ( it is a challenge to communicate effectively by text. Language and perimeters of posting has it's limitations. Oh well. Feel free to query anything too obtuse or vague. I certainly do not wish to offend you or burden you with additional stress.
    Hi again,
    Sorry. Typing on the cell and accidentally sent an incomplete message.
    On the iPad...much easier.
    "Time is just an idea." Mary Oliver
    I am trying to be brave and be a good example of a healthy dose of Stoicism and transparency.
    It is rather disconcertingly getting weaker...less strength and stamina.
    I find reading philosophy, contemplating faith, meditating on poetry and commiserating with my Lab ( and not necessarily in that order) You are welcome to contact me thru Facebook or I will send you my address thru [email protected]. I doubt if I will get back to Winnipeg. It is however, a good central location for my siblings to meet. I wish I had something brilliant and reassuring to offer. But I can offer you and you family my friendship, support and prayers. I think it is harder on my wife and children than me...that is the real tough part me and probably your husband may feel the same. Well... Time to call it a night. God bless you. Rand
    Hello Mrs.House,
    Sorry I have not been checking in lately.
    I am comfortable conversing with you for reasons you intuitively understand. Truthfully, it is hard not to be depressed, occasionally rattled and afraid. But then I remind myself it is not personal. And time, as Mmary Oliver said in a poem, time isa just an idea
    Hi, we are all great. Thank you. I hope the MRI reveals something. Let me know how the appointment goes! Keep in touch.
    Dear Mrs H,
    Just using my cell to check emails before going to sleep.
    If I can be of help, please let me know. Should your husband wish to obtain an opinion from my neurologist or one in Nashville at Vanderbilt, let me know and I will help arrange a timely referral. We would be happy to accomodate you as our guests and provide transport etc.
    My wife and I have a joint visit with the neurologist. Knock on wood but I think I have not deteriorated or shall I say, I seem to be holding my own. RAND
    Thank you! I have had a few computer problems and wheelchair problems so have been preoccupied. Computer is fixed and in half an hour the guy will be here to fix the wheelchair. Things are almost back to normal. Whatever that is! LOL. We are doing okay. Hope you are too! God Bless! Joel
    LP tomorrow.
    Rough day getting family on the same page.
    I am working on assembling a personal web page tlfor family and friends.
    When it is semi up. I shall give you access. That way it will be entirely optional for you and to check or not. I am very self conscious about imposing. And think dialogue is healthy. If any tests are being delayed.
    If not the Mayo clinic, I will recommend on my website specific specialists I use but only to other physicians. Non physicians will do best checking with a trusted local doctor. I cannot recommend medical treatment however. I am a patient. I have my own questions and will be posting them when the time is right. Your family is in my prayers. Best, Rand
    That's timely care. Spent lots of summers as a child in Gimli and have flown a small plane across northern Manitoba. Anyways, you are welcome to share that info with your husband
    It is a challenge no doubt. I do understand his particular challenges as a fellow physician. I do not mind answering questions honestly: I am not in a position or have any desire to give medical opinions. I am just a Guy with probable ALS trynog to be brave.
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