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  • My Christmas wish for you and your family is to live in Peace Harmony Laughter and Love and know how Beautiful You shine so bright with your Love and Light! I just want you know how much you mean to me ... we have never met in person, but you are known to me and stay in my heart. I feel we have been friends forever ....
    Just wanted to say hello and see how things are?

    We finally were given a reassignment to NC and will be arriving in a couple of weeks :)

    Hey there,
    We are waiting until this summer to request a reassignment. My Mom and Dad are both terminal and we finally have the letters needed from their medical providers stating this information. Getting a reassignment won't be easy, most likely, but we can keep trying to get a change of orders to NC if they deny us the compassionate.
    Thanks for asking :)
    Jeff, if you see this, I am trying to add you. I am guessing you have everything private until you friend someone. Until then, we cannot message you. :)
    'Hey' from another Raleigh resident! Been reading some today and, unless I missed it, didn't see anyone mention the Caregiver Support Group at the local ALSA. The two ladies there (Sue and Lisa) are fantastic and have been a great support for my wife. My wife has been to 2 meetings, one with my oldest daughter and one with our dear friend. If your husband is the typical American male, then support groups are for sissies... tell him that is wrong! I'd recomend going to the Catfish Hunter ALS web page and finding out about the next meeting. Located off S. Saunders near downtown. These have been extremely helpful for our family. Holler if you need more info or have questions!
    Read this second. Continued from below message since it stated my message was too long and I needed to shorten it.

    This diagnosis and the grieving that begins immediately created such intense emotions for me that it was almost unbearable some days. Now... 8 months later, I still have good and bad days but can even see some blessings in this mess of a disease. It is so hard to digest and very overwhelming in the beginning.
    I am so sorry about your father-in-law. I am still a Daddy's girl at 36yo and truly understand how horrible hearing the diagnosis is.
    Take care.
    Hi there.
    I just wanted you to know that what your husband is experiencing was/ is my norm as well. I was told of my Dad's diagnosis in May 2011- right after Mother's Day. Let's just say... it hit me like a ton of bricks and it threw me into a depression and anxiety that I had never experienced in my life. I started having panic attacks for the first time in my life and my doctor prescribed an anti-anxiety and Xanax for as needed. I didn't like the way the anti-anxiety meds made me feel so I stopped taking them almost immediately... but the Xanax as needed has been my life saver. My panic attacks were pretty regular ( a few times per week) for the first several months. As time has gone on and I have found a way to cope with the new normal, my anxiety has lessened and the panic attacks have become less frequent.
    I am so sorry you have to be here.

    You reach for help from people who have, and are, going through this disease because they have it or love someone who has it. It is a difficult disease to grapple with and it requires all of you to be stronger than you have ever been in your life. Grieving is sneaky and can hit anyone at any given time. Learn about the ALS and help him learn. Knowledge is your power. You will find this forum to be full of people who are knowleadgable and positive. When you have a question ask away, someone will jump in to help you.

    I'm new! My father in law was officially diagnosed Oct 25 2011. I'll always remember that day as the day we buried my mother and my husband and his family received the confirmation of ALS. It was a rough day for us all. Big blows... My husband is having a really hard time since just before Christmas. This past week has been awful. He's started experiencing mini panic attacks and body soreness from tension. Any mention of his dad or other other stressful conversations causes his shoulders and arms to tighten up to the point of pain and leaves him with soreness. He's been to the doctor and the doctor thinks he needs a break. We asked for Xanax etc, but he just wanted to prescribe Prozac. I'm a believer that antidepressants should be last resort after you've tried other means. I think we are going to have to see a therapist. I know I need help too... He's always been the positive and strong one... This has me spinning in circles about everything. How do we get through this?
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