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  • I do get a little anxious but not too bad since I got my ramp. With AFOs and walkers it's a lot easier. In the recent past, when my 6'2" hub would drive my car he'd leave the seat and belt adjusted for him. I'm 4'11". I'd get in the car to go meet friends and try to adjust everything and lock the steering wheel because I pulled on it to pull the seat up. You need to pull the wheel to the left while turning the key. I need two hands to turn the key so need a third hand in order to accomplish this. Needless to say I was frustrated and canceled lunch. I gently explained the situation and canceled plans to Brad and it hasn't happened since. He's a sweetie.
    Your sun deck sounds lovely! We have a small deck but I don't go out there much by myself. I will though.
    Try to be light with your daughter. Tears are good but so are smiles and laughter. Tears are inevitable. Are you close?
    Love you sweet Lady!
    It's a beautiful Friday! How are you Sweets? Any plans for the weekend? How is your health?
    Hiya, I am ok. Inflamed last couple of days. I fell in bathroom two weeks ago and sprained my leg it healed pretty quick thank goodness not like adding to the fire lol. I am having a ramp deck installed so I can use my walker to get out of house. my weakness is primarily on my left side. I do have nerve damage and I am going to try a laser therapy that is new. my insurance is screwing with ivig therapy cause of the expense. sad about retirement but came as blessing too
    I was thinking of you yesterday Doris! How are you Dear? Everybody behaving? I'm about the same except my hands and legs are weaker. Still getting around slowly and breathing, swallowing and speaking are good. Miss you! How are you doing?
    Congratulations on your retirement! I understand your mixed feelings. I was kinda bummed when I retired but I'm so glad I did. I'm still getting around too! Not much pain either. I'm sorry you're in pain Sweets. Is that going to stop at some point? I hope so! How is your family?
    Love to you my Sweet Doris. It's good to hear from you! xoxoxo
    Hello, I hope that your Christmas was as great as mine. Getting ready for 2012 here I am sure that it is going to be one for the books. May 2012 bring you many blessings for you and your loved ones.
    Glad u had a good one. I have weakness in my left leg below the knee still. I was never really balanced ha ha ha so why start now. hee hee Other than that Getting ready for xmas. I have Charlie Brown tree! I am decorating this weekend
    Hi my Doris! It was the best birthday ever. How are you! I'm not really much of a drinker but I did hoist a few. :)
    Love ya!
    Yes, common day things aren't so easy to do now days for sure. But, where there's a will there's a way. You be careful with yourself Doris! How is everything going on the home front?
    Hello I hope things are going well in your world today. Just wanted to drop a line and say HI.
    I rested for about an hour and then continued working until about 2:30. I'm home now though! How is the homelife?
    No swearing around the 7 year old and I only swear if I'm angry! I don't get angry very often. In fact, not for years that I can remember! Glad you found some comfy shoes! That makes a world of difference doesn't it? Anyway, beer is in my future for sure!
    Hi Doris! How are you? I'm pooped and yes, TGIF! We have a 7 yr old spending the night with us tonight. She's a sweetheart and is the daughter of good friends. We're going bowling tonight! Well, they'll bowl and I'll watch and give form advice. LOL! Have a great weekend Dear One!
    Hi Gorgeous! How are you Doris? Pain eh? I have extreme tightness in my calves first thing in the morning but it only takes a couple minutes for it to get stretched out. Nothing unusual. You should get that checked out Sweets. It doesn't sound right at all.
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