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  • M
    I inadvertently started a second account and truly apologize for that. I am told by 2 neurologists that they no longer test bulbar muscles with EMG. To risky. I am lucky to be seeing Dr Mitsumoto at Columbia ALS clinic ion 6/27/23. My swallowing has worsened My study showed Adequate airway protection at all levels. Does anyone know how bulbar onset is tested for? Thank you for any assistance
    Fearing Bulbar ALS
    I inadvertently started a second account and truly apologize for that. I am told by 2 neurologists that they no longer test bulbar muscles with EMG. To risky. I am lucky to be seeing Dr Mitsumoto at Columbia ALS clinic ion 6/27/23. My swallowing has worsened My study showed Adequate airway protection at all levels. Does anyone know how bulbar onset is tested for? Thank you for any assistance
    So I am back again with twitching or more like quivering Upper lip and right thigh muscle. Extreme fatigue. Afraid to go back to neuro but obsessing its ALS. I just has EMG/NCV in Dec 2013 with no signs if ALS. I do have hyper reflexes as always and 2 neuros said positive Hoffmans but no ALS. Don't know what to do
    Hi Molly,
    If you go to my homepage, then go to statistics, click on thread posted by me. You can then read my history. I was a mess when i first got here. I still have my moments lol
    Hugs to you!
    Hi Molly
    I just read a post from you in a thread. If want to ask some questions you can start a thread in the 'do I have ALS' section. Go to that forum and click on new thread, it's in red on the top left corner. Welcome to the forum but sorry you have to be here.
    Ok first of all I hope that if I do have ALS I can be as brave as all of you. I am a 54 year old female Starting June 2012 I felt a tingling sensation in my legs when touching them.I went to neurology and they did an EMG/NCV which showed peripheral neuropathy. So I decided to go to Weil Cornell to neuropathy clinic. ALS fear began

    I was evaluated With EMG/NCV . All normal. Not even sensory neuropathy evident on first EMG. This testing in was done in 11/12 In June began with weak feelings in left leg and what looked like atrophy in left arm. Had another EMG /NCV. Normal on both extremities. Convinced I Had ALS I went to a ALS specialist . Found a +Hoffmans reflex. Stated I didn't have Any signs of ALS at this time. Did not do EMG because I had a pmrevious normal one. I developed diifficulty swallowing like a lump in throat. I begged neuro
    to test for bulbar in 08/13 It was normal. It is November and again feel like extremities weak. Wake up with increased saliva no choking
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