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  • Thanks Deb. Somehow you feel so alone while this kind of thing is going on. My sister, brother, and I are sticking together especially when it comes to my Mom and Dad. I'm sorry about your Mom. I've asked myself many times, how did we go from arthritis in the spine and needing surgery to ALS!? Can your Mom still walk somewhat? My Mom has been wheelchair bound since December. After her fall she became terrified and would not even try to walk again. She fell over while sitting on the edge of the bed and hit her face and jaw on the nightstand. She can still speak and eat but chokes up easily. She's losing weight like crazy. We still haven't cut through all the bureaucracy with Medicare to get her a second opinion doc. All in all, we are doing our best to care for her, keep things clean, organized, while holding down jobs, taking care of my kids, etc. I guess you could say I'm still having trouble realizing this is really happening.
    Hello MMuse, My thoughts are with you. My mom is also 79 and was diagnosed with ALS in Oct 09 Similar to what you are saying, was diagnosed with other illness's such as carpel tunnel, and Acid Reflux etc, before all the symptoms came together and turned out to be ALS. She is hardly able to speak now, and last week took two falls, so I got a wheelchair this week, and know I am entering the next chapter of this awful disease. there is no easy way for you to tell her the diagnosis, I can still remember the day I took her and my Dad to receive that news....If you have siblings stay close with them. I am blessed to have 4 others , so we can share and lean on each other. Stay strong and try and take one day at a time, Message me if you want to share. Hang in there , Deb
    welcome mmuse, we are here to help you though this. when is the second opinion? lots of prayers in the meantime...take care, jen
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