Ok Here goes, we decided to see a Lymes specialist to see if maybe Jim has Lymes instead of ALS. He has lymes. The Doctor can not tell me if he has ALS or not but he does have lymes. So from here we are going forth with trying to treat the lymes in hopes the progress of ALS stops because this was always lymes. Jim cancelled his appt. at Mayo. We are still keeping our appt to UOC to meet our ALS team to just be prepaired. All We can do is pray. I'm so hoping this Doctor isn't taking advantage of a horrible diagnosis. We meet another couple there from Michigan that her husband was also diagnosed with ALS and here also Lymes. Maybe there is a connection. I'm praying so hard for this to be the answer as long as they can reat him. My husbands left side is very weak and now his right side has started. The couple we met at the clinic the man had it all in the bulbar area and left side. this is so hard to try to figure out.