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  • Thanks for writting back. I guess by February they might be able to tell more about my situation too. It is very strange like you said some of the old stuff goes away and new strange things pop up. I dont shake much anymore but now I have coordination problems with my hands and mouth. So Strange! You have two girls I see. Girls are great. My sister had two boys and I loved doing boy stuff so much I wanted a boy too but now that I have this baby girl I cant imagine having anything else:) She keeps me busy busy as you can imagine. I am in the medical profession too. I am a Medical Asst. and I work in Radiation Oncology. So I know your thinking what a depressing job and you would be right. I see cancer all day everyday for the past 11 years. I have to say though I love my job. Did you work in any specific specialty when you worked? As for laundry night....I would rather take a beating than do it;)
    Hi Mjkerkau. I thought I would send a message to you this way also. Sometimes I forget to go back to the threads. Actually Im not sure how this forum works completely yet. I thougth you might get my message easier this way. To answer your questions I am 32-years-old. I have not had an EMG yet. I cant get an appt with a neruologist until February. The sadest thing is that my family doctor wouldnt even send me to one. He said all looked well to him and sent me on my way. He said that all my scan were normal so off you go. Well I gotta tell ya that was very frustrating for me. Here I am telling him all this crazy stuff and its almost like he said "Well its nothing I can fix so off you go" I have a little baby girl that just turned 10mons and all this stuff has been making me so crazy that I can focus on her and she is the most important thing to me.
    Oh, Hi Sequoia! I just now noticed that little place on the upper right that said messages! Heheheh.
    So far, I am getting around in here well, I try not to spend too much time looking around while my daughters are home, since we've not told them much yet. My MRI is done and hopefully Monday with the neuro will give us some answers. DH and I figure we'll tell the girls more after that. They're only 7 and 9 and don't need too much stuff to worry about needlessly ;).
    Thank you for your prayers! Let me know if I can pray for anything for you as well!
    Hello MJ, just came by to greet you. Hope you are finding your way around the Forum ok. I know it is all overwhelming, and I am praying for you and your family that it turns out to be something else! God Bless you!
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