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  • Hello,.
    The neurologist doesn’t suspected lower motor neuron disease because 2 EMG being made in July 2016 and February 2017 are no anomalies and no denervation
    my visit to Marseille als center went well, I had no bad news but no answer no more.
    neurological examination is normal, there are no clinical weakness, no babinski, no hoffman, only brisk reflexes on my knees but symmetrical and not disseminated.
    So no impairment of the upper motor neuron.
    No fasciculations were observed, the tongue is normal, the soft palate was correctly, the reflex of the jaw is normal.
    In conclusion she sees nothing to worry about and especially not ALS.
    We will monitor and perform an Emg late December.
    sorry for my english....
    I will write to you on your e-mail. I would like to exchange symptoms with you. I have been told I have peripheral nerve hyperexcitability.
    Dear Microping,

    No, I still have not been diagnosed. I feel worse now. What about you? What are your symptoms?
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