Yes, this is what the EMG shows (I'm translating from Bulgarian, so I'm not sure if everything will be accurate, hope it is) - No data for prefrontal damage in the arms and legs. This is the Bulgarian term at least, for the changes found in ALS. No denervation found in muscles (she tested both legs and one arm), no fasculations found and the activity is rich from all testes muscles. The tested muscles, including the F-waves are normal. In the legs, along with the normal motors, are registered single highly polyshase motors with high amplitudes which means damage in L4-L5 - mostly on the right. No diviations in the arms.
About the brisk reflexes, she didn't write a number, only said they are slight and a bit asymetrical.
I am very worried about UMN symptopms and that this is the beginning...I haven't stopped crying. I'm 25 years old....I just don't see any other explanations for my symptoms.