Recent content by Mediasmart

  1. Mediasmart

    ALS of the Cheek?

    To be blunt, perhaps she should see another "type" of doctor.
  2. Mediasmart

    Hand Symptoms

    NO ONE here even remotely thinks ALS is on the table. Stop with the ALS already.
  3. Mediasmart

    opinions from people who know.. kinda scared

    I had ulnar and carpal tunnel surgery before I was diagnosed as they thought it might be that from nerve conduction tests. The operation was a complete success and my left arm and hand now look like a skeleton as it was PMA/ALS...which the hand doctor spotted as he often sees stuff like this...
  4. Mediasmart

    opinions from people who know.. kinda scared

    There is a form of ALS called progressive muscular atrophy (PMA). I started that way. 1/2 the time it progresses to ALS when the UMN become affected. EMGs aren't like they are with UMN involvement kicks in. It takes a really good and experienced clinic to weed this out and diagnose, specially...
  5. Mediasmart

    Non-VA Benefits?

    My wife and I are both over 65 and take SS. We also care for her mother, 95 and Parkinsons, and lives with us. My wife has developed seizures in the last two months and is not well, pretty much confined to the house as these seizures render her unresponsive for as much as 3 hours. I am still...
  6. Mediasmart

    Concerned 42 year old male.

    along with reading the stickies and gathering advice here, I would also advise all self diagnosed candidates to go read the section newly diagnosed, it's the next thread down or up. Compare your current situation with some of the stories and descriptions in that section. then if you feel like...
  7. Mediasmart

    Needing some answers

    It doesn't go away...not for me or for others I know of. It may stop getting worse for a while but go away? I don't think so.
  8. Mediasmart

    I need of some help...

    Not to sound harsh but the "two weeks ago" time frame made me laugh. Visit us again after two years...that is of course if you are strong enough to hold up a cell phone long enough to type something that is this long and no longer. (With only 1 finger texting).
  9. Mediasmart

    EMG and twitching

    Well good luck. Your answer isn't here.
  10. Mediasmart

    losing fat on hand

    There is however progressive muscular atrophy to keep in mind. Not perhaps in this case but to keep in mind. My als started with a pma diagnosis until umn issues presented and random area muscle loss was my situation; left hand and arm, right calf, right shoulder and upper arm etc. So sporadic...
  11. Mediasmart

    Help! Is cold-induced weakness a symptom?

    I can't put on gloves without help so stupidly went without anything and now, in this winter, I really can feel cold 's effects. The answer of course was mittens. I mentioned this to my neuro who thought that one reason this is so under reported has to do concentrations of older populations who...
  12. Mediasmart

    Just Diagnosed

    Just a couple questions on tests...anyone chime in. Why both a CAT and an MRI? Als is diagnosis by elimination...yet no lymes test...what other blood work ups did you not have? Last your progression is meteoric..what do your neuro guys have to say about that?
  13. Mediasmart

    Scared of ALS symptoms, awaiting a neuro appointment

    This thread is like a magnet for wierd.
  14. Mediasmart

    How much can a motor skills test prove?

    I'm still stuck on the full body twitches...must be something to a grasshopper on a griddle.
  15. Mediasmart

    How fast can the muscle atrophy?

    Barbells/dropping/heads springs to mind.