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  • Hello, I have tried to get you on my friend list, but it still says "Friendship pending" not sure if there is something else I should have done, or you?? But anyways, hello friend! Let me know how things are going, ok?
    Hello! If you post a few more times on any of the threads, I think then we can send you a longer private message. But until then, I wanted you to know that I am holding you up with prayers as I am sure many on the Forum are also doing. Does your husband have any slurred speach or difficulty swallowing? If not, you probably have some time to deal with making out wills , ect..Other things can cause cramping and twitching in the legs. Best to stay calm and see the neuro for the 2nd test.
    God bless you!
    Good evening Maxxp, thaanks for the invitation! You have a friend, and lots more to come. When you get the chance post me a message if there is anything you need, or something i can pray for you and yours.
    Your sister, sequoia
    Hello Maxxp, welcome! Just to let you know I am praying for you, for a simple diagnosis that is treatable. I will keep you in my prayers, until you find out! Know that you are not alone!
    God Bless,
    Hi, Welcome to the forum;sorry you had to come here.Lets hope that your husband final diagnosis will turn out to be something else than ALS.
    Have you been to the Duke ALS clinic? They have a pretty good reputation.
    Please write back if you have any questions.
    Good bless,Mary
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