Recent content by Mac1788

  1. M

    Can EMGs be too early?

    I go for my 3rd EMG tomorrow. However it is the first one to be done @ Duke University Hospital. My weakness started in my neck back in January. My right leg started buckling in June. Now I have to walk with a walker and have been on disability for 4 months. Still, my first 2 EMGs were...
  2. M

    Good days/Bad Days early on?

    Hello All! Well, this thread has helped me at least feel that I am not crazy! I started with weakness and fatique in January. 3 months ago my legs started collapsing while standing. Now I can barely walk, but I had some good days last week and I thought maybe this was some wierd virus and I...
  3. M

    You Can Fight This Thing

    Hi Helen, Thanks! Yes. The EMG was negative. My Neurologist first thought I had Myastenia Gravis. He seems stuck on that right now. However, I have no signs of it other than fatigue. I don't respond to MG medications either. Take care and God Bless! Michael.
  4. M

    You Can Fight This Thing

    Hi Kim, I started having difficulty holding my head up about 7 months ago. I thought I was just tired but I got so bad that I was admitted to ER when I was traveling in Michigan. They said they could see my symptoms, but did not know what could be causing them. About two months ago, I was...