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  • Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! It hurt my naive sense of security more than anything else. It's just another worry, you know? My husband is bulbar and I had hoped myself into the idea that maybe he would maintain mobility to the end. That no longer seems to be the case. We've just had a lot of sad/bad news lately. And I'm whining. And you, in your darkest hour, came to comfort me. Shame on me. :(

    I don't "know" you, we've never even talked here, but I pray for you every day. You are in so many people's hearts, and now I know why. I wish you peace.

    And, thank you. Really. Shelly.
    I do, and I will, but can't see how right now as I have no more money and very little work. Will still try but it may not be till early next year.
    Liz, I do know what it's like to feel alone in a group of people, it's worse than being alone. I can't imagine the pain that you're in, I hope that you're reaching out to someone locally. And if you do find yourself able to come for a visit, you know you're welcome anytime. I wish there was something I could do that would help, but all I can do is tell you that I love you, and send you a hug.
    ROAD TRIP!!! Do you have your car all gassed up? Could be a good trip, take your daughter outta school for a few days, and come on over!!!! I'll show you around... It would be a nice bonding trip with her. Though if you go to Susan's, you guys could go swimming and your daughters are closer in age. But I'll take you to see the U.S.S. Constitution so you can call it an educational field trip.
    You know me, a mother to everybody. Watching over my peeps. I hope your doing as well as can be expected. Praying H gets better very soon.
    Lots of love,
    Oh no. I was in the middle of another pm and then a hole shut the internet off and I had to retype it on my phone. And yours was sent before I finished it. Sorry. You're up late! Glad you had a fun weekend, you deserve it.
    Hey Liz, I replied to your dream post but it went to moderation. You'll find a "dream dictionary" online. Just use Mr Google! Good luck! I hope it helps.
    Liz, I've been on and off lately, with communication challenges, and just saw that Ray was gone. I'm so sorry. You are a fabulous CALS and continue to be an inspiration . Hope you're doing OK.
    Liz checking in with you my friend to see how you are holding up. Remember I am here if you need a friend to talk to.
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