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  • Welcome to the forum, Lisa. Sorry you had to find yourself here but you are in good hands. Here you will make friends that will allow you to cry, scream, rant, laugh and learn all the ins and outs of ALS. Come on over to the tea post and you will be welcomed with open arms. You have already found Happiness Now which you can see is invaluable at keeping your spirits up. Give your mom a hug.
    Lisa WELCOME to the Forum Family. Here you will come to know others in a way that doesnt seem possible on the internet....truely some of these people are my most intimate friends, though I have never "met" them. There is alot of information here that will be helpful to you as you care for your Mom. But I suggest you not get overwhelmed by going too far ahead of your mothers symptoms. Just love her now being really present for her. Drop by the Happiness Now thread, and check out the Tea thread...there are alot of amazing women there and they will make you laugh.
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