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  • Hi there. Saw your post about your mum and dad. I'm so sorry for the prelim diagnosis your mum has received. The early days and months after diagnosis are hairy-the shock is so great. After that I think a new kind of 'normal' begins to establish itself as pals & cals learn to live more in the day and less in the fear of what might happen. If you can help your dad see he can cope with today then he will also manage tomorrow but if he thinks about all that might be to come then he might feel all undone. There's also the Scottish mnd association www.mndscotland.org.uk (I think). Don't know anything about them except some of their articles which I've read. Maybe they can help?

    I hope this forum will be a good place of support for you. Mnd is a family affair in that it deeply affects everyone. Most of all I hope you have many good times with your mum ahead. All the best, Avril
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