S S shrimpbox73 Jan 30, 2009 Hi,hope you are hanging in there.Husband having a hard time 3 falls since I met you.Hope you and your husband are doing well.Kim
Hi,hope you are hanging in there.Husband having a hard time 3 falls since I met you.Hope you and your husband are doing well.Kim
S S shrimpbox73 Jan 14, 2009 Lin,Nice meeting you at the meeting.It seems we have alot in common,Irish and our lives suck!! Hope to see you next month.I will give you my private e-mail and cell if you ever want to chat.KIM
Lin,Nice meeting you at the meeting.It seems we have alot in common,Irish and our lives suck!! Hope to see you next month.I will give you my private e-mail and cell if you ever want to chat.KIM
S S shrimpbox73 Jan 12, 2009 Well Spouse meeting 7pm,Empire Diner route 9,Freehold.Looking forward to meeting you.Kim