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  • I can tell you about my family- the age of death of the parent with fals is close to the same as the children start symtoms. for example my aunt died at 54 of fals and her oldest two kids are sick now at 54 and 56. my father passed from fals at 64 and I'm 56 and healthy. I have dna test from northwestern I have the mutation and the way it seems to work is I will get it around my father's age. my other aunt passed at 72 of fals her kids are close to 60 and are ok so far-1 other aunt's onset was 65 and is suffering now. does anyone else have this pattern? I also have a uncle in his early 60's that has the mutation and is ok so far. weird deal
    we are buying a bigger house with a smaller mortgage in the country closer to my family. luckily it doesnt need renovation and there are 30 wineries for tasting within 30 kilometres !
    i have to assume i am not here for christmas 2011 based on family history - which you might recall gives <12mths from diagnosis. i'm going to spend the time with family, spoil my incredibly supportive,beautiful wife and try and finish the modified bucket list - but even that, like me, is a work in progress.
    how about you?
    hi lena, nice to hear from you. mmm, the plan........... embroiled myself in renovating a house 5 years ago as security in case i got mnd and finished it just as my left arm gave out in may this year. happily we signed the contract for sale this morning - and should settle in time for christmas. my 3 girls will think santa has gone mad this year as they will be very spoiled for prezzies. under the tree for me will be a 4wd wheelchair and a toyota 4wd to move us around - camping, fishing and family fun.
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