Hi Laurel, thanks for the ideas. I was on a nebulizer with mucomyst for a while but it did nothing but stink up my room and nose so I stopped. I have a clinic appointment on Nov 3 so I will ask them then.
Take care
Hi Laurel, read about your husbands condition, i have about the same problem but lots of sensory as well as motory. last time now from middle march- to late august. I have had my problems since 2005. I don't know what to do my docs here in sweden don't know whats wrong, and send me home to say: Well you will get better this time too. But my muscles are now much weaker in arms and legs as they used to be. Im waiting for my result from LP, but i would like to know if there is any test i could suggest for my muscles? I didn't know who else to ask and you seem so nice. You seem to know alot about CIDP as well. Thanks for your time to read this and sorry for my english but im from Sweden =)
Thank you Laurel - this whole thing sucks on so many levels it's hard to describe. I find it sometimes helps to put things down in writing. I've always done that, and I appreciate that you read it and saw the feelings I feel from the writing.
Hello Laurel,
Thanks for you nice comment on my post a couple of weeks ago. Just wanted to say hello as well as thanks; Im beginning to venture into the world of this site and appreciate the richness in the stories so many people have to tell.
Hi Laurel, thanks for the kind words. I am Ok today, the sun is more or less shining and I feel pretty good. Bad days come and go but mostly they go. I hope you are doing Ok. How are things in the lower mainland? I used to travel your way a lot, my mom lived in Victoria, I had an aunt and uncle in White Rock, and cousins in Abbottsford, Fort Langley and Burnaby and my son is now going to UVIC. My travels are not too much now but c'est la vie!
you may not know me but I have read your posts, you are so caring. I was cooking and watching the news and saw a report out of a hosp/ or research hosp in Michigan (my area) and it had done a promising study on MS and a possible cure! It was taking the ms patients OWN stem cells and using them, 17 out 21 reported some improvement. I know you have MS and I though of you when I saw it. Lets hope Als is next with promising cures. YOu could google wdiv detroit Mi news for more info.....