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  • KNT Dear. You can get 1 or 2 canes pretty cheaply at any of the big super stores like K-Mart or Wallmart. If I don't use mine I tend to fall too. I wish you well!
    i have fallen 9 times this month. what would be the best way to stay safe? one was really bad i thought i broke my neck but after laying there and waiting for my husband i just had a goose egg and a few cuts and bruises.
    i was told its dont have to be inherited from family. nobody has this in my family that i know of. the only thing i know is i have several family that has ms. i ordered coconut oil on ebay. i cant drive since i have hardly any strength in my hands. thanks for the advise. i so appriciate it.
    I have FALS, which started in early 2007. I inherited it from my mother, but I've had some improvements from taking organic virgin coconut oil and a magnesium chloride/water solution. I started taking it in late 2009, and have been taking 8 tablespoons of the coconut oil and 4 oz's of the MC stuff each day. I also massage the coconut oil on my bad leg. Both of these things are antioxidants, which helps remove the toxins from your body. So far some of the muscles in my bad leg have increased in size and strength. I no longer have a drop-foot. If you want more details please let me know.
    PS: I'm not selling anything. I'm just trying to help others with ALS.
    I have been dealing with my left hand weakness for 8 months. i went from one dr to another and they would do blood test after blood test and then when nothing showed up they would give up and send me somewhere else. i finally go tired of it and then had my family dr send me to a nuerologist. they checked for lyme disease, ms, cancer, ect. finally the mri's came out clean, and so did the ct scans. next they did an emg, where without telling me said he thinks he knows what it is but before he told me sent me to indiana university medical center and they did an emg, 2 wks later i went back to my doctor and was told i have als. my voice is hoarsed and when i speak i realize that i have to stop talking breath deep and then go on and say what i was saying. sometimes when i eat the roof of my mouth gets really sore and hurts and so i have to make sure i chew my food very very well before i swollow or it gives pain on the roof of my mouth
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