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  • I found out on my thread under other and asked David, Al and Richard why. Voice your opinion on it. Also noticed our posts have dropped drastically.

    i hope u dont take this wrong but everytime you talk about your falls, i see your signature and think instead of rejoicing in Obstacles , maybe you should change it to he lifts me up.. just a thought
    sry werid sense of humor mary pat
    Kel, word is out that you've been missing from us... come back to us soon, and feel better.
    Hey Kels, I'm sorry you are having problems typing, I wish I could help you, but we all have missed talking to you, so hurry up and get back with us!!!We are doing so so.. we go back to Emory this friday. You try to take care of yourself...HUGS to you!
    I'm pretty good! My legs are getting weaker but I'm still upright. I truly hope they figure out what's getting you Kel. Knowing what you're dealing does help somewhat. Keep me posted as to what you're up to Toots! I haven't seen too much of you lately and was concerned about ya.
    Later Babe!
    How are you Kel? Haven't seen you around much lately. I hope you're doing okay.
    Big hugs,
    Hey... I notice your love music too... I was in a choir of 20+ before ALS but I still do little gigs with them every now and then or at least till my voice goes out... but we love having our family over for gatherings and Karaoke...lol.... Just checking to see how you are doing? Take care and God Bless... Aloha, yo
    Hey Kell...
    Sending some Aloha your way and hope all is well... Take Care and God Bless.... Aloha, yo
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