It's been a while since I have been to this forum. Life is so busy and my husband is getting weaker. We have been on hospice for 6 months now and he is in bed most of the time, out of bed just to sit in chair or shower, his legs are still pretty strong, but is now having a hard time feeding self. He is also on his bipap machine 90% of the time, on good days he can have it off an hour or so throughout the day. I keep hoping he will hang on for a lot longer because I always think of our little guy who is 2 and 1/2 years old now. I don't really know what to look for at the end of life with ALS and am worried all of the time when he sleeps longer even though I know he had a sleepless night before. I hear people can live for 3-5 years and we are now going on year 3 so I am hoping we have a lot more time. It's also funny how you learn who is there for you and who is not. Its sad too. would be there for you