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  • Hi Karvorka! You will find on youtube, videos showing how to clear chest without cough assist and suction machines. Let me know if you cannot find them. I will forward you the links. Hope you are doing well. Take care
    Hi Karvorka :-) i was just wondering if you have heard more on the eyetribe thing. Take care and talk to you soon
    Hi, Sorry for the late reply I actually never realized this section was here .. Thanks for the information, my doctor gave me oral antibiotics which seemed to work fine and at the moment I'm trying to solve a minor hypergranulation issue ..
    Hey, Just read your post about your PEG. I'm not "there" yet, but wanted to let you know that Rose had posted several threads about the trials she's faced with her PEG. If you'll do anadvanced search of PEG or PEG tube and Member "Rose" you can find her posts on this topic. Did the doc give you oral or topical antibiotics? Hope that you can pick up some good info from Rose until others are up and about. Good luck!....Deb
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