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  • Good to hear from you Johnny! I spent 3 years in Scotland with my family from 1993-96. After we got back to the U.S., my wife was in to giving blood at the Red Cross. One day they had her fill out a form asking if she'd ever been to the U.K. and if so, for how long. Turns out she was banned from giving any more blood because of possible exposure to mad cow or something.
    Johnny, how wonderful to see you here again, and you've gained a number! We need your humor here...and your Thursdays at the pub!
    Johnny, when I was a kid getting ready to leave the 8th grade (had 2 girls in my class named Kim, teacher had a field day!), I got a lot of offers from "all girl" high schools to tour the their facilities.
    Well, truth be known, I've been talking to God and trying to make a deal so that it can be PLS. I noticed weakness in my fingers a couple years ago, then last summer noticed weakness in my ankles. It has gotten worse in the past few months. I can live without my hands and legs. Just don't want to lose the rest is all. It could happen! ;) Thanks for the kind words. It's so nice to meet you!
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