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  • So glad you are on here, I am passing your website information along to our team at our ALS Center in New Britain, CT :)
    If you live in the tri-state area, please attend the first annual Hope Loves Company Kid's Day on Sunday, June 3rd (11-1pm) at Waterloo Gardens, Exton PA. It's free to ALS families. contact me please for more details.
    Hello Jodi, send me your email ok? Ill forward you the ALS Association News Letter....you can contact Sonja and tell her Sharon sent you.
    Thanks so much for your note..have not been on the forum much..but need to get back involved. Hugs to you. Kelly
    Dear PALS and families,

    I have a book for ALS patients to share with their children, it's called, What Did You Learn Today? It was written by my current husband's late wife, Tina Singer Ames for her children, Nora and Adam Ames, who I now love as my own. You can Google the book to read about it.

    She did a beautiful job and the book is only $10 to cover our printing costs. If you can't afford that, we'll send it for free.

    God Bless,
    Glad to be back to the ALS forum. This site was extremely imperative to my late husband, Kevin Gerard O'Donnell. My new goal, which I will be sharing soon, is in memory of him!

    Jodi O'Donnell-Ames
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