Recent content by Jimmy4

  1. J

    Back for some more advice

    Yes that's basically what i am.... Just wondering if it sounded like ALS I'm gunna make an appointment soon.... It's just the smaller muscle in my left arm that worries me but like I said I can lift the same weights... Also have some tremors but I think I think about it to much and It makes me...
  2. J

    Back for some more advice

    Also some cramps in my left hand and arm but also get them In my right sometimes sorry for all the questions
  3. J

    Back for some more advice

    Also adding to my post I think I should mention about a year ago I was benching dumbells in eaxh hand and something in my left arm popped/came out of place hurt like hell.... Never got it checked pain comes and goes and when I golf after a 18 hole the last hole sometimes on my swing it'll pop...
  4. J

    Back for some more advice

    I posted right around new years... Couldn't find my post I'm sorry to post again but just needed a bit more insight and would appreciate a opinion... Talked about a few month ago how my left side was littlier/ weaker. ... Not any progession really on initial symptoms but only 4 months have gone...
  5. J


    Ok sorry about the waste of time Mike, just wanted to know if you thought these were big signs pointing toward als
  6. J


    Quick again so my symptoms of left arm/hand weakness and the sense of it looks like there's a little less muscle mass on my left arm then my right as well as body wide twitches do you think that points to ALS enough to worry about it?
  7. J


    When you say that Mike you mean that ALS could paralyze a muscle in your hand but the other muscles could make up for that muscle that is paralyzed?
  8. J


    Thanks Mike I appreciate all the info and the quick responses.... So basically ALS weakness is not feeling like you can only do 10 curls instead of 20 its like not even being able to pick up the weight or even pick up a fork to eat?
  9. J


    Thanks Mike sorry about that... So just cause I have some body wide twitches and seems as though a little weakness in my left arm as well as a little less muscle mass you don't think I should be worried about ALS ...? I feel general weakness in my left arm but yet I can still weight do weight...
  10. J


    Just have been stressing myself out about it and want some guidance on my symptoms and if anyone thinks its ALS as well as learn about the disease itself
  11. J


    Also I feel when I lay down to go to sleep I cant breathe as well as when I'm sitting up..
  12. J


    Sorry to bother everyone because just want to ask questions about symptoms.... My right bicep started twitching for many days about a month ago... I feel as if I have weakness in my left leg and lately a lot of different body parts of mine has been twitching like my left wrist and my left calf...